Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tropical Storm

One of the unique (in comparison to the U.S.) features of Okinawa is the frequency with which we are affected by tropical storms, and even typhoons. For those of you that are not quite sure, typhoons are identical to hurricanes, but are simply referred to as typhoons by virture of where they originate.

We are currently in typhoon "season" here, and our first tropical storm is churning around south of us. In the screen shot, you can see my little island circled in red, with the tropical fun circled in yellow. The storm is forecasted to head NNE to NE over the next few days, so we will get even more rain than we already are, with some increased winds thrown in for fun.

I moved from a 9th floor apartment to my current ground level house about a year or so ago, and we haven't had a really strong typhoon come through since then. The last time we had a real doozy, I had a nice view of the carnage from my 9th floor balcony, and there was no yard for me to clean up. Being at ground level will undoubtedly increase the chances of flooding in our home, since Okinawans LOVE to put as many sliding glass doors in their buildings as they can possibly fit. We enjoy having the light and the view, but it is worrisome with powerful storms on the horizon.

I will also be heading to the continental U.S. on a three week trip in July, so I wonder how our little house will fare while we are away. I'm sure I'll be trying to keep an "eye" on the weather via the internet during our trip, but there won't be much that I can do to clean up any damage or debris after a typhoon. Luckily, we're on good terms with our very nice neighbors, and they have agreed to keep up the yard while we're gone.

Needless to say, extremes in the weather can certainly have an adverse effect on outdoor activities. Today is the nicest day we've had in a couple of weeks, but being Father's Day, I'll probably be spending most of it at home with family.


cary said...

First - hope you had a wonderful Father's Day.

Second - do you still have my cell number, for when you hit the area?

P.J. said...

I hope the storms doesn't do too much to your house.

Where in the states are you going to be traveling?

cary said...

Cruisin' the blogs this morning, and looking at the title of yours made me think that perhaps a certain Poseur In Chief should take up geocaching, too - so he can start learning how to follow clues and come to logical conclusions...

Just sayin'...

Steve King said...

My uncle was stationed in the red circle 35 years ago. I remember his stories of the big storms. I trust your home will be safe for the time you are away. We will be in the continental US to start a six month visit in two weeks. We're kind of excited about that.